The mini-documentary, “Who’s behind Trump’s effigy in the ASEAN Summit in Manila?” by Ateneo de Manila University M.A. Journalism student Che de los Reyes was named honorable mention for best documentary in the first ASEANnale Film and Multimedia Competition.
The winners were announced on March 2, 2018 at the University of the Philippines Asian Center in Diliman.
The 15-minute documentary was also screened to delegates of the ASEANnale 2018 summit on Feb. 28. De los Reyes produced, wrote, directed and edited the documentary for her Journ 229 course (Special Topics Reporting and Writing for Multimedia) as part of her M.A. Journalism program.
The three-day summit aimed to “showcase the creative and research works of higher education students and faculty from the 10 ASEAN member countries,” to “engage in public discourse on ASEANnology,” and to promote the community of scholars on ASEAN.”
The theme of this year’s summit was “Capturing the spirit of ASEAN in the Digital Times.”
John Paul Soriano of UP Diliman won the grand prize for Best Documentary Film for his work titled, “Recto.” Jerald Yucot of the University of Makati was likewise awarded an honorable mention for his documentary “Puti.”
ASEANnale 2018 received a total of 38 entries for the film and multimedia competition, 14 of them for the documentary category.
Dr. Rolando Tolentino of U.P chaired the panel of judges from the Philippines and Malaysia: Prof. Yason Banal, Dr Diego Silang Maranan and Prof. Al Francis Libero, all from U.P., Malaysian film and TV producer Habsah Hassan, and Dr. Ahmad Hisham bin Zainal Abidin of Universiti Utara Malaysian.