Need help dealing with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, what-have-you? Are you overwhelmed by all these apps and platforms? Then, this is the activity for you.
The Asian Center for Journalism at the Ateneo is offering a half-day seminar with Erwin Oliva, a journalist specializing in all things IT and social media. The seminar is for citizen journalists and social media enthusiasts looking to share experiences and learn from an expert like Erwin, who has worked for a newspaper, a trade magazine, an online news website, an Internet company, an electronics giant, and recently, a bank. He has an undegraduate journalism degree from the University of the Philippines and an M.A. in Journalism from the Ateneo.
Erwin was one of those who started covering IT for the Philippine Daily Inquirer, long before it was the craze, and was at one time Yahoo’s head for the Philippines.
The seminar, titled Surviving Social Media, will examine the social media landscape, tackle case studies that focus on Twitter care, and offer survival tips to allow users to make the most of the social media experience.
Surviving Social Media kicks of the series of seminar-workshops ACFJ has lined up for the coming weeks.
Surviving Social Media will be held on Monday, June 11, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. To register, complete this application form. Please contact Mae Marbella for fees and other details at (+632) 426 6001 loc. 5294 or send us an email at