Students enrolled for the MA in Journalism program take up Theories in Journalism (Journ 259.1) in the second semester, SY 2011-2012, beginning 7 November 2011.
The course gives students a comprehensive overview of the key theoretical concepts in the field. It is an online course that also provides the students with a sound theoretical framework for their profession.
It will also deliver some ‘food for the thought’ for the day-to-day work as a journalist and afford students with material to reflect their social and political purpose as journalists.
Dr. Tilman Baumgaertel handles this course. He has worked as a a journalist for over two decades. He has taught at the Universität Paderborn and Technische Universität Berlin in Germany, the Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria, and for five years at the University of the Philippines in Manila, Philippines, before he joined the Department of Media and Communications (DMC) at the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) in 2009.