Photojourn student to conduct photography workshop in Nepal

by | Nov 21, 2011 | News

Sailendra Kharel, who is currently enrolled in the Diploma in Photojournalism program, will conduct a photo workshop for independent photographers in Kathmandu,Nepal from 7 to 21 December 2011.


The workshop will cover training on visual language and visual literacy and discussions on the changing landscape in photojournalism, its role and impact in the industry and society.


Kharel is an independent photographer  specializing in editorial and documentary projects.


Organized by the Voice to Express, the workshop was published in on 16 November 2011. The article mentioned the numerous accomplishments of Kharel to include his exhibitions in Nepal and in prestigious festivals  of photography like Chobi-Mela, Dhaka 2009 and 2011, Angkor Photo Festival, Cambodia 2008 and 2011, and the Delhi Photo Festival, India, 2011. It also said that ” Kharel is currently doing a Post Graduate Diploma in Photojournalism studies at ACFJ, Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippines.”

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