Mobile journalism course opens

by | Sep 3, 2013 | News

Mobile journalism, the second stand-alone course in ACFJ’s visual journalism program starts for seven students from three Asian countries, September 2.


Of the seven students, five are women and are from the Philippines while the two men are from Bangladesh and Vietnam. Majority of them work for online news organizations. Isabel Consuelo Templo, publications officer of the consultancy group Ideas for Good and graduate of Ateneo’s MA Journalism program, leads the group as the senior journalist. Templo is also a student in the first certificate course Visual Literacy in the Newsroom.


The two-month certificate course is designed for reporters and editors seeking to enhance their understanding of a variety of tools and technologies in reporting news in a multimedia manner. The topics that will be covered include social media tools, mobile phone newsgathering, and apps for reporting, to name a few.


Dr Stephen Quinn, president of the Hong Kong-based digital consulting business MOJO Media Insights, will handle the course. He was a digital development editor at South China Morning Post, a journalism professor in Australia, United Arab Emirates, United States and China, and a journalist in Thailand, United Kingdom, and New Zealand. Among the latest books written by Dr Quinn and published by Konrad-Adenuaer-Stiftung (Singapore) are MOJO: Mobile Journalism in the Asian Region and Crowdsourcing in Asian Journalism.


The certificate program in visual journalism aims to raise the bar for journalism in Asia through short-term training on the use of visual images in cross-platform, multimedia journalism for reporters, editors and professionals in allied fields.

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