Ricardo L. Saludo, an ACFJ faculty teaching a course on Media and Politics, is in the forefront of a new online publication, The Censei Report, which features analytical research on national and global issues, including media developments that impact business, government, and the consuming public.
The Censei Report is a publication of the Center for Strategy, Enterprise and Intelligence, of which Mr Saludo is managing director. He is also former Philippine Presidential spokesman and chairman of the Civil Service Commission under the Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo administration.
The Censei Report covers a variety of topics on the economic crisis, renewable energy, poll fraud, corruption, divorce, international finance, and education. In the Censei Report’s September 2011 issue, Vol. 1. No. 3, Mr. Saludo writes about the “Threat and Opportunity: What the West’s economic crisis means for Asia. “
Publication articles that may interest ACFJ students and faculty include “The Power and the Pitfalls of Social Media: Is social media facilitating rapid change or just fostering an illusion of activism,” by Tanya Mariano and “Digital TV: Are we ready? ‘The Philippines’ long and winding road from analog to digital television” by Maria Carmina Olivar and “ The Apple of Our i: The innovation giant’s rise marks a sea change in the world economy” by Marishka Noelle M. Cabrera.
For those who wish to receive sample issues, write to report@censeisolutions.com. You can also subscribe to The Censei Report through http://www.scribd.com/doc/7.