Quezon City–A video produced by ACFJ fellow Fisher Chenkang Yu on the recent “two sessions,” the Chinese political general assembly, is going viral. The video, entitled “Behind the scenes: The Great Hall of People,” has been gaining tremendous hits (635000 views in three days)and recognition from websites such as Youku, China’s largest video-sharing website, Weibo, China’s biggest micro-blogging website (with over 32000 shares,) and other media groups such as Xinhua News Agency.
Yu, a multimedia reporter for China Daily, is also an organizer, technical director, and one of the coordinators for the “two sessions.” The “two sessions” is an annual event of the Chinese government, held every March, where the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the National People’s Congress (NPC) meet.
Here is the link to the video: http://vimeo.com/38721366
Link to Youku: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzY2MDU2NjAw.html