ACFJ Executive Director Dr. Violet Valdez, along with faculty members Ernie Sarmiento, Josh Villanueva and Luz Rimban, and Panglantaw Mindanao project manager Bj A. Patiño joined other alumni at the 7th Annual Forum of Emerging Leaders in Asian Journalism in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on September 26 to 27. This year’s theme was “The news in multimedia: opportunities and challenges for press and society.”
Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University hosted the first day of the Forum with its rector, Dr. R. Maryatmo, MA, welcoming the delegates. After the introductory address of Paul Linnarz, Director of Media Programme Asia, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Dr. Lukas Ispandriano, AJYU’s Dean of Communication Faculty, spoke on Indonesian contemporary politics and the role of media in safeguarding democracy.
Various aspects of the contemporary use of multimedia and its implications to journalism were tackled, including its role in building democratic societies. Also discussed were ownership and ethical issues.
The forum also saw the launching of the book The Social Media (R)Evolution? Asian Perspectives on New Media, published by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, featuring works by ACFJ MA Journalism fellows, namely Ratana Som, Edi Utama, Anisha Bhaduri, Sherrie Ann Torres, Engelbert Apostol, Bruce Avasadanond, KY Pung, Susan Tam, Syed Nazakat, Karen Yap, and Michael Josh Villanueva.
Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) hosted the forum on its second day. Masduki, RRI director and ACFJ fellow, welcomed the group. (Bj A. Patiño)